Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Man Believed In Jesus

So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him
- John 4:43-54 -

If a prophet has no honour in his own country, why did the Lord Jesus return to Galilee? He was born in Judea, but Galilee was recognized as His country.

We cannot be certain why the Lord Jesus went to Galilee.

It was probably to avoid the crowds at this stage of His ministry.

The Galileans welcomed the Lord Jesus as a miracle worker. But they did not truly honour Him.

The Lord Jesus returned to Cana.

A nobleman came from Capernaum, some twenty miles distance, desperately seeking help.

He may have heard of the miracles of the Lord Jesus at Jerusalem, and he needed a miracle for his son.

The response of the Lord Jesus to the nobleman may have seemed harsh as he pleaded with Him to return with him to Capernaum. But the Lord wanted this man to trust in Him.

He told him to return home where he would find his son alive and well.

The nobleman believed the word that Jesus spoke to him.

He had no evidence that his son was well, but he took the Lord Jesus at His word, trusting in Him.

Travel was not easy in those days, and it was the next day before he reached home.

His servants met him to announce that his son was indeed well, having recovered the previous evening.

The nobleman found that it had been at the precise time that the Lord Jesus had said that his son was alive.

The nobleman and his entire household came to faith in Christ.

It is not easy to take the Lord at His word in times of deep anxiety.

But we must learn to do this, casting all our care upon Him because He does care for us.

Are we beset by doubts or tormented by fear? Are anxious thoughts robbing us of our joy in Christ? Come now to the Lord Jesus and unburden our heart to Him. Trust in Him. He cannot fail because He is God!

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