Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Reality Of Partial Submission

2 Samuel 5:1-5

The Story

When King Saul and his three elder sons died, the kingdom of Israel was in disarray.

David returned from exile and went to the city of Hebron.

When he arrived, he was crowned as king by the people of Judah.

It must have been a jubilant day for him.

All the years of isolation and exile were over.

And the days of waiting for the promises of God to be fulfilled are at hand.

In a few more days, the entire nation of Israel would be bowing down before him....


A little farther north, Abner, the head of Saul's army, quickly proclaimed Ishbosheth, Saul's youngest son, to be the king of Israel.

And all the people of Israel, except the tribe of Judah, bowed to Ishbosheth as king.

This event set the stage for the first real division within the nation of Israel.

Two kings were attempting to rule the same nation....

This meant troubles....

There would be brutal civil wars in Israel.....


When believers first put their trust in the LORD Jesus Christ, the people of God rejoice.

But Satan and all his demons will not leave them alone.

All believers know that the road to heaven is not an easy one.

To overcome sin, they must battle against the flesh, the pulls of the world and Satan.

And to be worthy of The LORD Jesus Christ, they must take up their cross and follow Him everyday.

No christian can live nobly and worthily without struggle, battle, self-denial....


The road to the throne wasn't an easy one for David.

So also is the road to heaven for believers.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Death Is Not The End

1 Samuel 31:1-13

The Story

When King Saul died, Israel lost hope and fled away in fear.

The Philistines occupied the Israelite cities.

They mutilated the corpses of Saul and his sons.

They sent Saul's head from city to city as a testimony to the powers of their gods.

They rejoiced in their victory over Israel....

It looked like the hope of the Israelites had been vanquished by hopelessness.

But.... the death of king Saul opened the way for David to be the next king.

It ushered in a new era of hope and prosperity.

God also used this event to change the royal line of Israel to prepare for the advent of the Messiah, The LORD Jesus Christ.


When the disciples and followers of The LORD Jesus Christ saw Him hanging dead on the cross, they lost hope and fled away in fear.

It looked like the enemies of God had been victorious.

It looked like Satan and his minions had won the battle against God the day The LORD Jesus Christ died on Calvary.

The demonic hordes rejoiced in the death of the Messiah.

It looked like life had been defeated by death.

It looked like death is the end....

But.... death signifies a new beginning.

The death of The LORD Jesus Christ signaled the end of the Old Testament system of sacrifice and worship.

This was graphically pictured when the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom.

God would no longer be approached through the blood of animals and a Jewish priest.

He would now be approached through the shed blood of The LORD Jesus Christ and through The Person of His Son.

The death of The LORD Jesus Christ ushered in a new era of mercy and grace.


Saul's death was not the end for the Israelites; God would raise for them a new king.

The LORD Jesus Christ's death was not the end for us; it opened the door of Salvation for all of us!

Let's come to Him and be saved!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Terrible And A Tragic Death

1 Samuel 31:1-13

The Story

On the battlefield that day, many had died.

Both the poor and the rich had died....

Both the king and the slave had died....

Both the godly and the sinner had died....

Both the Israelite and the Philistine had died....

Both the weak and the powerful had died....

Death came to many people on that battlefield....



Whether we like it or not....

Death is coming for us all.

That is the testimony of every grave, every funeral, every hospital, every accident, every war and conflict, every disaster....

We have better be ready when it does....

The death of a sinner can be a terrible and tragic event.

The death of a saint is a victory over death and the devil.

...Let us put our trust in Him who alone holds the key of life and death...

... and die well.


Saul died a terrible and a tragic death.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Sad And Shameful Death

1 Samuel 31:1-13

The Story

The armies of Israel were badly defeated and humiliated.

Their wounded and dead bodies scattered all over the landscape.

King Saul was struck by the arrows of his enemies.

The dead bodies of his three sons were beside him....

King Saul sought the help of his armor-bearer to end his life.

But the man would not help the king.

King Saul finally committed suicide by falling on his own sword........


The dead body of King Saul was then desecrated by the enemies of Israel.

He was beheaded and his head was sent from city to city as a symbol of the Philistine victory.

His body and the bodies of his three sons were taken to Bethshan and nailed to the city walls.


King Saul had a sad and shameful death.

It didn't have to be like that if he had obeyed God and did all His biddings.

Forty years earlier he was a handsome young man.

He had been humble, brave and obedient when he was first inaugurated as king.

But little by little, he compromised and became weak and wicked.

When he died, he was only a short distance from Ramah where he had been crowned king before.....

But spiritually he was very very far away from God......


Saul had rebelled against God to his sad and shameful death.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Mighty Had Fallen

1 Samuel 31:1-13

The Story

Saul had ben a good and godly man in the beginning of his reign.

But he had rejected God's plan for his life.

He had refused to walk with the LORD.

And God had rejected him.

Saul began to fall into insanity.

He showed jealousy and hatred toward David.

He wanted him dead.

But God in His sovereign plan protected David.

David survived and thrived during those years when he was on the run from Saul.

He grew stronger while his enemy Saul grew weaker.

And here was recorded the awful and tragic death of Saul and his three sons.


Many of us have tested the goodness of God.

Some of us have rebelled against God and refused to listen to Him.

It is terrible to fall into the hand of God.

Blessings will be withdrawn and punishments will await us.


Saul had rebelled against the LORD God to his death and God had punished him.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Time To Repent Of Our Foolish Decisions

1 Samuel 30:6-8

The Story

David finally hit the bottom of his life.

He lost everything and everyone was against him.

He was reaping the results of his many foolish decisions.

David decided to look toward Heaven again.

He wanted to turn to God in humble repentance.

He called on the LORD in prayer to seek God's will and God's help.

The moment he heard the LORD's direction for his life, he did not hesitate any more, but he went out immediately to do the will of God.

David was back in God's will.

he was walking in God's path again.

The LORD God had fully restored him.


All of us are capable of making foolish decisions.

Sometimes we listen to our heart when it is telling us lies...

... and we start to do things our own way.

We have enough warnings from David.

We must get back to God fast before it is too late,

The price of disobedience is very high.


David repented of his foolish decisions and the LORD God finally restored him.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Foolish Decisions Lead To More Tragedies

1 Samuel 27:1-30:6

The Story

Because David listened to his heart instead of listening to the LORD God, he led to more tragedies.......

All 600 of his men and their families, his own wives and children, and everyone around him were brought into a place of compromise and temptation.

He himself lived with a sense of false security and he literally aligned himself with the enemies.

He murdered, lied, and submitted himself to the enemy of God.

He stayed there for 16 months, yet not a psalm was attributed to him during that period of time. He virtually lost his voice and testimony.

He fell far and deep, and he was working with the enemies against the people of God.

Even the Philistines didn't want him to be around; he had become an offense to them.

David finally reaped the harvest of his wickedness (Samuel 30:1-5).

David finally reached the bottom (Samuel 30:6); his men turned against him.

David's sin had taken everything away from him.


Smart people do make stupid decisions.

Stupid decisions lead to more tragedies.

Foolish decisions have serious repercussions; they not only affect us terribly but also others and their families.

Running away from the will of God will only bring us more disasters.


David's foolish decisions brought more tragedies to himself and others around him.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Smart People Makes Foolish Decision

1 Samuel 27:1-12

The Story

David was on the fast track to his kingdom.

He was going to be the next king of Israel.

All this while he had been hunted, hounded, and haunted by King Saul.

And all of a sudden, he felt defeated, discouraged, and depressed.

For the first time, he felt like God might have forgotten all about him.

For the first time it looked like his enemies had prevailed......

While David was in this state of despair, he made foolish decisions that altered the course of his life, bringing him much troubles, and making him broken spiritually.

He decided to give up on God's plan for his life.

He decided to take his own life in his own hands and began to live for himself.

This poor David thought that he would be better off fleeing to the land of the Philistines, where he thought he would be safe from King Saul.

But without him realizing it, he was running to the arch enemies of God to beg for help!


Smart people do make stupid decisions.

Instead of turning to God in prayer, sometimes we like to turn to ourselves for counsel.

When we turn to ourselves for counsel, we forget the many great promises that God had made to us.

And when we decide to have things our own way, we choose to abandon the path of God for us.

Instead of obeying the LORD God, we are running to the arch enemies of God to beg for help!


David made foolish decisions by turning away from the Almighty God.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

David Was Saved From His Fury

1 Samuel 25:2-44

The Story
When Abigail heard what her foolish husband had done, she got together the food and things that David and his men needed, and went out to David with the hope that she could change his mind.

.......She tried her best to save her husband's life.

She humbled herself at David's feet.

She admitted that David and his men had suffered wrong at the hand of Nabal.

She admitted that her husband was a wicked man and a fool.

She asked for forgiveness.

She pleaded with David to accept her gift and spared Nabal's family.

She told him that God had sent her to stop him from murdering a man in anger.

She told him that if he did what his anger told him to do, he would regret it forever.

Abigail's wisdom overcame David's anger.

He accepted her gifts and allowed her to return home with his promise that all would be well.

When Abigail returned home, she found her husband drunk.

She waited until the morning to tell him what she had done.

Nabal was overcome by anger (or fear) at what Abigail did and what David threatened to do.

He stayed in that condition for ten days and he died.

Anger is dangerous.

We need to bring our rising anger to the LORD God and ask Him to help us to calm down.

Let's yield our feelings, our rights, and our anger to the LORD God.

Don't do anything stupid.

The LORD God will repay us for what we do.

Yeah.... sometimes He does send someone or something to help us to calm down our anger.

And if we choose to wallow in our anger or fear, we will be like Nabal.......

David was saved from doing something stupid by Abigail, Nabal's wife, who later became his wife.

Friday, November 20, 2009

David Was Blinded By Rage

1 Samuel 25:2-44

The Story
When David's men returned to him and told him Nabal's refusal to his request (12-13), He was very angry.

And he prepared 400 men to go after him!!!

David was blinded by rage.

He had refrained from killing king Saul because he saw Saul as "the LORD's anointed" and as his superior.

But he saw Nabal as a weakling that he could beat into submission.

Anger takes control of the mind, the heart, and the will and makes us act like raving lunatics.

Anger makes us say things that we normally wouldn't say.

Anger makes us do things that we normally wouldn't do.

Anger makes us behave and act like a fool.

David was blinded by rage to do things that he might regret later.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

David Lost Control

1 Samuel 25:2-44

The Story
When David's men returned to him and told him Nabal's refusal to his request (12-13), He was very angry.

And he prepared 400 men to go after him!!!

Nabal's response should not have surprised David.

He was hard to get along with.

He had a bad attitude.

He was a rich man but he was very selfish.

"Nabal" mean "fool". So David was meeting a man who lived up to his name.

But David responded to Nabal by going off in a blind rage to get even with him was something uncalled for.

Anger will make us do something pretty stupid.

We may not always be able to control what others can and will do to us.

But we can control ourselves in what we can and will do to others.

David in his haste and anger lost control.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

David Got Angry

1 Samuel 25:2-44

The Story
David and his men were hiding in the wilderness.

While there, they were fighting skirmishes with the wild tribes and protecting the shepherds and their sheep.

It was customary during that time for those who received protection to reward the protectors.

It was sheering time. The shepherd were selling their wool and made their profit.

David sent some of his men to remind Nabal of the effective service they had provided.

Instead of responding in gratitude, Nabal answered David's men with harsh words (9-11).

Nabal called David a rebel and he refused to reward them.

David was angry.

The children of God do get angry at time.

But anger must be from a righteous cause.

David did get angry while doing good services to others.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Grace Extended In The Cave

1 Samuel 24:1-22

The Story
David had the perfect opportunity to kill king Saul and exact his revenge, but he refused to do it.

Instead, he cut off a small piece of Saul's robe.

But as soon as he did it, he knew he had been wrong; even though he couldn't respect the man, he still had to respect his office as king.

David knew that he didn't have the right to play judge in the life of Saul.

When Saul left the cave, David followed him and confronted him.

David followed clear, biblical principles that taught us how to react when we were wronged by others.
  • He took the first step.
  • He humbled himself before Saul.
  • He honored Saul.
  • He spoke the truth about the situation.
  • He declared his own guilt.
  • He placed his case in the hand of God, the ultimate Judge.
David's moves touched the hard heart of king Saul.

God used the actions to bring about peace that day.

David got what he wanted by placing himself in the hand of the LORD God, and demonstrated grace instead of bitterness.

Bitterness takes root and poison the rest of our life.

Let's extend grace to those who may be against us.

Let's learn to forgive and forget.

Let's also learn to confess our sins to others.

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. — Romans 12:19 (New King James Version)

David extended grace instead of bitterness to king Saul while in the cave.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Temptation Lying In The Cave

1 Samuel 24:1-22

The Story
David was living in a cave.

The LORD God had providentially brought king Saul into the same cave.

King Saul lay down and went to sleep.

David had the perfect opportunity to kill king Saul.

David's men even challenged him to take his sword and kill him (4, 10).

There was the temptation to get even and to protect his reputation.

David slipped over to where king Saul lay sleeping.

David had a knife in his hand.

He had the opportunity to end it all.

What to do?

They are times when opportunities come for us to get even with our enemies.

Like David, we are tempted to take revenge.

What to do?

Should we rather wait for God's timing?

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. — Romans 12:19 (New King James Version)

David was also tempted to take king Saul's life while in the cave.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Danger Lurking In The Cave

1 Samuel 24:1-22

The Story
David was living in a cave.

The LORD God had systematically removed every support from his life, teaching him a difficult lesson to lean upon Him alone.

While David and his men hid in the cave, the LORD God brought king Saul into the same cave.

David had the perfect opportunity to kill king Saul, but he didn't.

David displayed love, grace, compassion, and forgiveness.

Saul clearly hated David because God was blessing David and not him. He was determined to see David put to death.

Saul heard where David was hiding and he came all the way to hunt him.

Saul was doing everything in his power to take David down and prevent him from becoming the next king of Israel.

They are times when the enemies of God try all their best to harm the children of God.

Like David, we are not to retaliate.

We are to wait on the LORD God to intervene.

Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. — Romans 12:19 (New King James Version)

David spared king Saul's life in the cave.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Refreshing Cave Experience

1 Samuel 22:1-4

The Story
David was in a dark, damp, dreary, and depressing cave.

He was there alone, defeated, and discouraged.

After a while, his family came. They used to doubt David. Now they turned to David for help. They saw in David God's choice for a king.

Then hundreds of people from Israel arrived. They were fed up with Saul. They felt in debt to David. They went to David because they believed that David was God's man for Israel.

Now God began to transform David into a great king, and the people with him into mighty men.

Here in the cave, David was able to get his mind off his problems and focus his attention on leading and training his people to be a fighting force.

It was a humble beginning, but not for long, before he became the captain of an army of mighty people.

— He was to come out of the cave to take the crown.

Every christian has his or her own cave experiences.

It maybe depressing, but not for long.

Soon blessings will come one after another.

Soon we will be refreshed and ready for new challenges.

Everything is in the hand of the Almighty God.

David came out of the cave a new man.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Purpose Of The Cave Experience

1 Samuel 22:1-4

The Story
David was in a dark, damp, dreary, and depressing cave.

He was there alone, defeated, and discouraged.

After a while, his family came.

Then the defeated men of Israel also arrived.

They feared king Saul.

But they believed David was God's man for the future.

David finally realized his calling.

And he rose up to the challenge. He took care of his elderly parents and led his men.

And he committed himself again to the promises of God (Psalm 57:1-11).

David knew that the time would come when the LORD God would bring him up again.

Every christian has his or her own cave experiences.

But it is not for long.

Soon it will reveal to us its purposes.

Soon we will be ready for fresh challenges.

And We can rest assured in the LORD God.

David recovered from his many cave experiences.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Cave Experience

1 Samuel 22:1-4

The Story
David was in a dark, damp, dreary, and depressing cave.

He was escaping from his enemies.

He was experiencing the loss of everything and everyone he leaned on in his life.

He was then alone, defeated, and discouraged.

David had been brought to the very bottom of his life; the crowned prince of Israel was living in a cave!

The cave was a nightmare; it was a place of separation.

But the cave was a blessing; it was here that the LORD God taught him to wholly lean on Him.

David learned to totally submit to the LORD God.

Every christian has his or her own cave experiences.

It is a cave of separation and depression.

It is a cave of total submission and grace.

At the end of the day, every christian becomes the man that the LORD God wants him or her to be.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

David and his many cave experiences.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

David Found His True Help

1 Samuel 21:10-15; Psalm 34

The Story
God had placed some people and some things in David's life to help and support him.

But when David became too dependent on them, God began to dismantle each and everyone of them.

God did this to David so that David would learn to lean completely on the LORD God.

David finally learned to lean on God's praises.

David finally learned to lean on God's protection.

David finally learned to lean on God's provision.

David finally learned to lean on God's promises.

David finally learned to lean on God's presence.

David finally learned to lean on God's preservation.


We all lean on somebody or something to get through life.

But God will dismantle them if we become too dependent on them.

God wants us to lean completely on Him alone.

The children of God will ultimately learn to submit to the LORD God alone.


David finally found his true Help – he submitted all his life to God alone.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

David Lost All His Helps

1 Samuel 21:10-15

The Story
God had placed some people and some things in David's life to help him.

But David became too dependent on his support system and less on the Almighty God.

God was not happy and began to dismantle every piece of David's support system.

David lost his job and became a fugitive.

David lost his popularity among the people.

His wife, Michal walked away from him.

Jonathan had to send him away because of David's safety.

David had to flee from the presence of the prophet Samuel because of the relentless pursuit of King Saul.

And David lost his pride in front of his enemy, the Philistines, by pretending to be a raving lunatic, scratching on the gates and drooling on his beard like a mad man.


We all lean on somebody or something to get through life.

God has placed certain people and certain things in our lives to help us.

But God slowly dismantles them as we become too dependent on them, rather than on Him alone.

We may lose our job.

We may lose our popularity among the people.

Our spouse and family members may leave us.

We may have to part with our good friends.

We may for some reasons unable to seek spiritual helps.

And we may live a compromising and pretentious life among our enemies.


Remember David who had lost all his helps – God had slowly dismantled them as David became too dependent on them.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

David Needed Helps

1 Samuel 21:10-15

The Story
God had placed some people and some things in David's life to help him.

His work in the army and in Saul's court gave him stability in his life.

His fame and reputation among the people gave up the proper support.

His wife, Michal genuinely loved him.

Jonathan proved to be a true and faithful friend.

The prophet Samuel was his spiritual father.

And his own emphasis on doing the right thing had also made the difference.


We all lean on somebody or something to get through life.

God has placed certain people and certain things in our lives to help us.

Our work gives us the stability we need.

Our honor and respect among our people gives up the proper support.

Our spouse and family members genuinely loves us.

We have many true and faithful friends.

Many of us also draw strength and help from church leaders.

And our insistence on doing the right thing also helps us live a fulfilling life.


Remember David and his many supports – God had given him enough proper support systems.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A True Friend With An Unconditional Love

1 Samuel 18:1-4

The Story

Jonathan's love to David even caused a rift between him and his father, as he repeatedly took David's side against the king.

Saul even tried to kill his own son.

Jonathan loved David to the end.

His love was unconditional.

The LORD Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, loves us with an unconditional love.

Nothing is to sever the bond He has with His people.

His love for us is for life.

Remember Jonathan in David's life – He Was A True Friend With An Unconditional Love.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A True Friend With An Uncomplicated Love

1 Samuel 18:1-4

The Story
Jonathan loved David just because he was David.

David was a nobody from nowhere, but Jonathan just loved him.

Jonathan loved David with a pure, perfect, sincere and uncomplicated love.

The LORD Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, loves us not because of our merit or our worth.

He sacrificed Himself for our salvation purely because of His grace and His favor.

His love for us is pure, perfect, sincere, and uncomplicated.

Remember Jonathan in David's life – He Was A True Friend With An Uncomplicated Love.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A True Friend Has An Uncommon Love

1 Samuel 18:1-4

The Story
Jonathan removed his princely robe and placed it on David.

Jonathan gave David his sword and bow.

Jonathan gave David his girdle or belt.

Jonathan willingly laid aside the symbols of his position as the crowned prince of Israel and gave them to David.

Jonathan consistently place David ahead of himself.

This was an uncommon love.

It involved selfless, personal and profound sacrifices.

The LORD Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, has an uncommon love for His people.

He sacrificed Himself for their salvation.

He sacrificed even His life.

He constantly place them in front of Him.

He makes them into the sons of God.

Remember Jonathan in David's life – He Was A True Friend With An Uncommon Love.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A True Friend In Time Of Need

1 Samuel 18:1-4

The Story
God placed in David's life certain people on whom he could lean on during the hard times of his life. These people helped David through many dark hours in his life.

One of the most precious and profound relationships David enjoyed was the friendship he had with Jonathan, king Saul's son.

Jonathan was placed in David's life at the very time David needed a genuine friend.

And Jonathan proved to be the greatest and dearest friend that David would know in his entire life.

God placed in our life certain people on whom we can lean on during the hard times of our life.

The most precious and profound relationship christians enjoyed is the friendship they have with the LORD Jesus Christ, God's own Son.

And the LORD Jesus Christ proved to be our greatest and dearest of friends as we walk our entire life.

Remember Jonathan in David's life – He was a true friend in time of need and he was a true friend indeed.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

True Greatness Is Having God in The First Place

1 Samuel 18:5-30

The Story
David presented himself in the right way.

David had his priorities in the right order.

David had a proper perception of his own life.

All these were possible in David's life because of his relationship with the LORD God.

David knew God on a personal level and that made all the difference in his life.

David allowed the LORD God to live through him to make an impact on the world.

True greatness in life is due to the right relationship with the LORD God in the first place.

Remember David in the eyes of the LORD God – He knew the LORD God personally and he let the LORD God ruled over him.

Monday, September 7, 2009

True Greatness Is Peceived By The General Public

1 Samuel 18:5-30

The Story
When king Saul looked at David, he saw a young man who was everything he himself was not. He saw how David carried himself and he was jealous. He saw David who was faithful, and clean. He hated David because God was with him. He hated David because David walked with God.

Saul's servants saw how David carried himself and they were impressed with David. They saw God's hand on David's life and they were impressed with him. Even Saul's own children, Jonathan and Michal loved David. There was something about David's life that touched them as well.

The only person in Israel who seemed to be unaware of David's greatness was David himself.

True greatness is perceived by the people around us and not by us.

Remember David in the eyes of the public – they were impressed with his greatness.

Friday, September 4, 2009

True Greatness Is Determined By Our Priorities

1 Samuel 18:5-30

The Story
These were not easy days for young David. He had been far from home. He had found instant fame from killing Goliath. He had found a bitter enemy in King Saul.

But David remained faithful in the priorities of his life.
  • David knew that king Saul was against him. But he still walked into his room, picked up the harp and played the music. David was faithful in his job.
  • In his hatred, king Saul tried to kill David many times and David ran away. But David always returned to his post and continued doing his job. David was steadfast in his job.
  • David kept on serving the evil king and carried out his job to the best of his ability. David was submissive in his job.
David was determined to be faithful to the king in spite of injuries, troubles, and difficulties.

True greatness is determined by how we set our priorities.

Remember David in King Saul's palace – he had made up his mind to be faithful, steadfast, and submissive to the king regardless of what happened in his life.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

True Greatness Is Determined By Good Behavior

1 Samuel 18:5-30

The Story
David was just a young lad. He was just a kid fresh from his first battle.

But David behaved himself well.
  • He continued to be a faithful and loyal everyday. He knew that in order to climb to the top, he needed to take the climb one step at a time.
  • He continued to carry himself well and set a good example for king Saul who had tried to kill him. He didn't become bitter or desired for revenge.
  • He continued to wait on the LORD God though he had many opportunities to overthrow Saul's kingdom.
David had achieved true greatness.

True greatness is not determined by the amount of money we possess, the kind of car we drive, the status we have achieved in life, or the feats that we are capable of.

True greatness is determined by how we live our lives.

Remember David after he defeated Goliath – he behaved himself well.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Giant Killer

1 Samuel 17:32-40

The Story
There comes a time when talk must cease and action must begin.

David was to take on Goliath.

He walked down into the valley.

He faced the giant.

He slung the stone, and killed the giant.

What a moment it must have been in young David's life.

God had done that which no one but David believed possible!

David was the giant killer!

The LORD God always trains His people by placing them in some difficult situations. In those difficult times, they will learn to trust the LORD God and walk in the power of God, and kill the giants of their lives.

Remember David against Goliath – he faced the giant and killed him by his strong belief in the power of the Almighty God.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Real Giant

1 Samuel 17:32-40

The Story
David heard the threats and defiance of Goliath. He was determined to see him defeated.

When David expressed his intention, he was met with criticism (28) and doubt (33).

David moved towards Goliath; he was well prepared.
  • He knew that he would not die that day, since the LORD God had anointed him as the next king.
  • He knew that the LORD God was able to help him again, since He had helped him in the past.
  • He knew that victory was in the hand of the Almighty God, and not in the army, armor or armaments.
  • He knew that the LORD God was the only Giant he should fear, and not Goliath.
The LORD God always trains His people by placing them in some difficult situations. In those difficult times, they will learn to trust the LORD God and walk in the power of God, and not fear the giant of their lives.

Remember David against Goliath – he knew that the LORD God was the real Giant that he should fear.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Against The Impossible

1 Samuel 17:32-40

The Story
Jesse sent David to check on his three elder brothers who were fighting in Saul's army. They had been gone at least 40 days (1 Samuel 17:16) and Jesse was worried. In those days, ordinary citizens would rally around the king when he called for volunteers to fight. David went as he was told.

When he arrived, he found the armies of Israel cowering in fear because of the taunts of Goliath. Even King Saul was too afraid to face the giant in battle.

David heard the giant blasphemed the Name of God and shamed the people of God.

David found himself face to face with the mighty big giant!

The LORD God always trains His people by placing them in some difficult situations. In those difficult times, christians will learn to trust the LORD God and walk in the power of God, and not the power of the flesh.

Remember David against Goliath – God put him there to face the giant.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

God Made The King

1 Samuel 16:14-23

The Story
David was trained in solitude, in secrecy, in monotonous routines, and in adversity. And these were the characteristics God developed in his life:
  • David became a skilled man.
  • David became a strong man.
  • David became a shrewd man.
  • David became a striking man.
  • David became a sanctified man.
The LORD God always trains His people by making them walk through difficult times in difficult places.

Remember David on the lonely hills of Judea – God made him a king after His Own Heart.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Adversity Training

1 Samuel 16:14-23

The Story
David's life was not all about mundane and the routine.
  • He had encounters with lion and bear (1 Sam 17:34-37).
  • He had killed a giant named Goliath (1 Sam 17:40-51).
  • He had been ignored (1 Sam 16:11), criticized (1 Sam 17:28), and underestimated (1 Sam 17:33, 43-44).
  • He had been hated and pursued by King Saul (1 Sam 18:8-12, 19:9-10).
The LORD God always trains His people by making them walk through some hard places before He use them in greater fashion in public.

Remember David on the lonely hills of Judea – God used the tool of adversity to teach David about the power, provision, and providence of God.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Monotonous Training

1 Samuel 16:14-23

The Story
Day after day, David went about the monotony of keeping his father's sheep.
  • Countless days, endless routines, the same things day in and day out.
  • But it was in the monotonous routine of life that David learned to be a man of God.
  • It was there, alone on those mountains, doing the same things day after day that David learned the lessons of faithfulness and responsibility.
When God promoted David as king, he did not have to learn the lessons to be faithful and responsible; he already knew them.

The LORD God always trains His people in the same daily routines before He use them in public.

Remember David on the lonely hills of Judea – God used the tool of monotonous routines to shape a king.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Secret Training

1 Samuel 16:14-23

The Story
Before David would ever sit on the throne and rule the nation of Israel, he would first spend countless hours alone, unacknowledged and unappreciated, with his father's sheep on the lonely hills of Judea:
  • It is here that David learned to be faithful to his responsibilities, even though no one else was watching.
  • It was here that David learned obedience, humility, and watchfulness.
  • In fact, David learned many lessons in the secret place that he could never have learned in the place of prominence.
  • David was trained in secret so that when he finally received the attention and applause of others, it did not go to his head.
  • David was trained in secret so that he knew that he was to please no one but the LORD God alone.
The LORD God always trains His people in private before He use them in public.

Remember David on the lonely hills of Judea – God used the tool of secrecy to build a king.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Importance Of Quiet Time

1 Samuel 16:14-23

The Story
David leaned some of the most valuable and basic lessons of life
  • On the lonely hills of Judea
  • With a flock of sheep for his companions
  • With the starry sky
  • With the vast expanse of nature
David learned how to be alone with God and with himself.

David learned how to hear the voice of God.

David learned how to commune with God.

David learned how to worship the LORD God.

David learned how to be at peace with himself.

Our quiet time in our quiet room is our source for rich spiritual life.

Remember David on the lonely hills of Judea – God used the tool of solitude to build a king.

Friday, July 17, 2009

God's Choice Is Specific

1 Samuel 16:1-13

The Story
God had a specific plan in mind. He sent Samuel to a specific town, to a specific family, and to a specific person He had chosen to be the next king.

And the LORD God had specifically chosen David as the next king because
  1. David was ready.
  2. David was reliable.
  3. David was redeemed.

  • Christian must always keep his heart in a state of readiness.
  • Christian must always be faithful doing what he is told to do.
  • Christian must always walk with the Lord God.
Remember David, he was specifically chosen by the LORD God.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

God's Choice Is Surprising

1 Samuel 16:1-13

The Story
Samuel went to Bethlehem to anoint the new king, When Samuel arrived there, he commanded Jesse to gather together his sons. They came before Samuel and passed before him one by one. It was in this process that God made known His choice of a king.

But God's choice was surprising.

The seven sons of Jesse were all fine physical specimens; their physiques having been refined and toned by hours of hard, physical labor. They all possessed the physical requirements to rule as a king. But none of them possessed the right kind of character traits. God sees what man cannot see!

God told Samuel that He did not look at the physical attributes of a man. God looks at the character of a man's heart. God looks for people of integrity and character. He wants people who are faithful and holy.

After the seven sons of Jesse had passed before Samuel, and all of them had been rejected, Samuel found out that there was another son. He was the youngest and he was with the sheep. David was so insignificant within the family that he was not even summoned with the rest of his brothers to enjoy the feast and the sacrifice.

When David walked in, Samuel saw a handsome young man, bright-eyed, with the blush of youth in his cheeks. God told Samuel to anoint David. Here come the king, rejected by men but was the very one picked by the LORD God!

  • God's choice is surprising in its rejection of physical requirements.
  • God's choice is surprising in its requirement of the right kind of character traits.
  • God's choice is surprising in its reception of those rejected by men.
Remember David, He was a nobody among his family but was God's choice for a new king.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

David The New King

1 Samuel 16:1-13

The Story
It was during the time of rebellion and rejection that God began the process of choosing the new king for Israel. The people had been made ready to accept the new king.

God had arranged everything to bring His chosen king into the world at precisely the right moment in history.

One of David's ancestors was Rahab (Judges 2) who had been saved out of pagan idolatry and brought into the nation of Israel. She married Salmon (Matt 1:5) and became the mother of Boaz (Ruth 4:20).

Boaz married a Gentile girl brought out of paganism by the sovereign grace of the LORD, named Ruth (Ruth 4). Ruth and Boaz were the great grandparents of David.

All these events were not accidental! They were part of a perfect plan formulated in eternity and worked out in time.

The Lessons
  • God works behind the scene to help His people.
  • Nothing happens by chance. God's choice of the new king involves sovereign planning.
  • What God proposes, He is well able to dispose.
Remember David the king, he was chosen by God to be the new king.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

God Chose A New King

1 Samuel 16:1-13

The Story
God reminded Samuel that He had rejected Saul as king of Israel.

Saul was chosen as king because the people wanted to be like the other nations (1 Sam 8:1-5). Up to that point, God had ruled the nation, raising leaders as the need arose. The people were warned that elevating a man to the throne would bring political corruption and trouble (1 Sam 8:7-21).

When Saul was chosen to be their king, the people were elated. He was fine physically, standing head and shoulder taller than anyone else in Israel (1 Sam 9:2). But Saul was a jealous man who lived for the praises of the people. He was guilty of gross disobedience to the commands of the LORD.

As a result of Saul's rebellion, God chose David as a new king to rule over Israel

  • Christians are to obey all the commandments of God.
  • Christians can be removed from their high positions when they go against the LORD
Remember king Saul – He was removed from the throne because of his disobedience to God.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Man After God's Own Heart

Acts 13:22

The Story
Three thousand years ago, God chose David to be the king of Israel.
  • Out of all the sons of Jesse, the favor of God landed on David.
  • David was the youngest son of a poor farmer from the tiny village of Bethlehem.
  • David was not even respected by his own family.
  • Davis was a nobody living in a family of nobodies.
But by the grace of God
  • David became the greatest king in the history of the nation of Israel.
  • David became an ancestor of the LORD Jesus Christ.
  • David was listed among the great heroes of the faith in Hebrew 11.
  • David received great promises and remarkable blessings from the hand of God.
  • But... greatest of all – David became a man after God's own heart.
  • David was not perfect. He failed and he failed big.
  • But David was quick to confess and he manifested genuine heart repentance.
  • Through David we learn about obedience, faith and worship.
  • Through David, we learn how to be a man after God's own heart.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ruth And Her Worship Experience

Ruth 4:14-22

The Story

After the redemption was concluded and the marriage was finished, a time of worship began.

God established the plan that brought Ruth and Boaz together, and He is exalted because of it (14).

The child that Ruth and Boaz had together was named "Obed". This is a name that means "Worshiping". This son firmly fixed Ruth's place in Israel! Ruth's redemption gave her legal standing in the courthouse records, but this child gave her a connection with the royal family! Obed was King David's grandfather! This made Ruth David's great-grandmother! But, better than that, she is named in Matt. 1:5 as one of the ancestresses of Jesus Christ! This little boy changed everything for Ruth!


May we never forget that all we have in Jesus is because of God's eternal decree (Rev. 13:8). And that He is worthy to be praised because of it (Rev. 4:1-11, Rev. 5:8-14)!

Genuine worship will always erupt out of a personal relationship with the Son of God! When we know Him, we know One Who is The Restorer of Life and the Nourisher of all Ages! If we know Him, we should rejoice in that fact! If we do not know Him, then we need to know that we can, and to know Him changes everything (1 John 5:12)!

Remember Ruth, God changed everything for her.

- End of Ruth

Ruth And Her Wedding Experience

Ruth 4:13

The Story

Boaz saw his plan completed when Ruth was redeemed and when she became his bride. He paid the price for her because of his love for her and he was magnified as a result (4:11-12).

In spite of her past, Ruth was accepted in Boaz! When she was redeemed, a legal transaction took place (4:1-11). Boaz was the Redeemer and Ruth had been forever redeemed from her past!


The LORD Jesus Christ will return for His bride (1 Cor. 15:51-52, 1 The. 4:16-17, Rev. 19:1-9). He will catch His people away and see His plan completed when they are safe with Him in glory! So, if we are saved, we are going home! On that day, He will receive all the praise He is worthy of today!

In Jesus, and through His blood, we are accepted (Eph. 1:6). The Bible reminds us that in spite of what we were, in Jesus we have been forever redeemed (1 Cor. 6:9-11, 1 Pet. 1:18-19). His grace has changed everything for those who trust in Him for salvation (Eph. 2:8-9, 12-18). We have the Lord Himself, seated at the right hand of the Father, ever living to make intercession for us (Heb. 7:25). We have an Advocate in heaven Who bears in His body the marks of the cross (1 John 2:1, Rev. 5:6). In spite of what we were, and still are at times, we are going to stand in Heavenly places by His grace!

Remember Ruth, she was redeemed and she became Boaz's wife.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ruth And Her Waiting Experience

Ruth 3:9-18

The Story

Ruth Waited By Faith (13) : Boaz told her to "stay this night." His promise to her was that when morning came, he would see to her redemption one way or another.

Ruth Waited At His Feet (14) : Ruth spent the night at the feet of Boaz just as she had been instructed! She knew that he would do just what he promised!

  • We are to wait patiently upon our Heavenly Boaz to see to the needs of life! No matter how dark the way becomes, remember that when the morning comes, He will meet all the needs of life (Psalm 30:5).
  • Jesus Christ is a refuge from the stormy winds and raging seas of life (Psalm 61:1-4, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 62:7-8)! There is no better place for the suffering saint to be than near His feet. Stay in that place where we can feel His closeness. Until He comes, mark ourselves off a place at His feet and determine in our heart that we will be moved by nothing this life throws at us!.
Remember Ruth, she waited by faith at the feet of Boaz.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The People Rejoice

Ruth 3:9-4:12

The Story
After the deal was made with the near kinsman and redemption was accomplished, the people gathered there began to rejoice :
  • They elevated Ruth's standing. They compared Ruth with Leah and Rachel, the wives of Jacob who gave birth to the twelve sons of Jacob, and in effect, all of Israel.
  • They praised Boaz for what he had done in the life of Ruth.
After sinners come to Jesus for redemption, the people rejoice :
  • They elevate their standing. They are transformed from sinners into saints. They are no longer outcasts from God, but now God has called them His sons (1 John 3:1-2).
  • They praise the LORD Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of their faith, who has paid the ultimate price for their redemption.
Remember the people, they elevated Ruth's standing and praise Boaz for her redemption.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The LORD Jesus Christ Is The Savior

Ruth 3:9-4:12

The Story
Boaz told Ruth that there was one problem with his plan to redeem her: there was a closer kin than Boaz in town who must have the first shot at her redemption.

Boaz met with the near kinsman. He was willing to redeem the land. But when he heard that he must also marry Ruth and raise up children in the name of her dead husband, he backed away from the deal and declared himself unable to redeem. And he asked Boaz to redeem her.

For christians, the nearer kinsman is the Law. It laid claims on us but was unable to redeem us. All that it could do was to condemn us as unworthy in its sight.

The Law made a feeble effort at redemption, but was unable to carry through to the end of the matter.

There are also other kinsmen out there who lay claims to us and try to redeem us. Things like the flesh, religion, good works, etc. They all make claims that they cannot keep.

Salvation is found in one palce and one place only. It is found in the Person of the LORD Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12. John 14:6, 8:24).

Remember Ruth, she found in Boaz the only qualified and willing savior.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Qualified and Willing Redeemer

Ruth 3:9-4:12

The Story
Before Ruth's redemption could be settled, she must find the kinsman redeemer.

According to Lev 25:25 and Deut 25:5-10, the kinsman redeemer
  • must be a near relative of the person redeemed
  • must be able to buy back the sold possession
  • must be willing to buy back the inheritance of his kinsman.
Boaz fulfilled all these requirements.

The LORD Jesus Christ also fulfilled the necessary requirements to qualify as our Redeemer
  • He has a relationship to us (Phil 2:5-8)
  • He has the proper resources (Heb 7:25, Eph 3:20)
  • He was willing to pay the price for our redemption (Mark 10:45, John 18:37).
The LORD Jesus Christ alone is qualified to be the Redeemer of mankind!

Remember Ruth, she found in Boaz a qualified and willing redeemer.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Reassurancce Of Redemption By His Persistence

Ruth 3:9-4:12

The Story
When Ruth met her mother-in-law with Boaz's plentiful provisions, Naomi told her to sit tight because Boaz would not rest until he had finished her redemption.

The children of God can rest in the sure knowledge that the LORD Jesus Christ will not rest until every single one of His children are home in glory (Heb 7:25, 1 Pet 1:5).

Remember Ruth, she asked for redemption and she was reassured by Boaz' persistence.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reassurancce Of Redemption By His Provisions

Ruth 3:9-4:12

The Story
When Ruth left the threshing floor the next morning, she left with the promises of Boaz, and also loaded down with his plentiful provisions.

Everyone who saw her that day knew that she was blessed by Boaz.

The LORD God gives His children many proofs that they are His (Psa 68:19).

His provisions are both internal (Rom 8:16, Heb 13:5, Eph 1:13-14) and external (Matt 6:25-33).

If we are His children, we will know His abundant blessings to us.

Remember Ruth, she asked for redemption and she received abundant provisions from Boaz.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Reassurancce Of Redemption By His Promises

Ruth 3:9-4:12

The Story
After Ruth made her request, she received some precious assurances from Boaz.

Boaz wanted her to know that she could count on him and the redemption he would provide for her.

Boaz promised to her that he would do whatever was necessary to see that she was redeemed.

The LORD Jesus Christ has done all that is required to make redemption a reality for everyone who calls upon Him in faith (John 6:47, Rom 10:9).

Heb 9:12 and 10:10-14 speak of the redemptive price the LORD Jesus Christ paid for us. His precious, shed blood is the price, payment and promise of our redemption (1 Pet 1:18-19, Heb 9:22).

Remember Ruth, she asked for redemption and she received some precious assurances from Boaz.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ask and You Shall Receive

Ruth 3:9-4:12

The Story
Ruth was looking for a redeemer, someone who could give her back all the things that sin and death had taken from her.

She had found herself at the feet of her redeemer and asked for redemption.

She was about to receive her redemption.

Salvation is as simple as our asking for it (John 6:37; Rom 10:13, James 4:2).

Jesus Christ has done everything necessary to save the soul of lost sinner.

All that sinner has to do is to humble himself before the LORD God and ask for salvation.

Remember Ruth, she was redeemed because she asked for it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

God Rejoices Over His Children

Ruth 3:8-11

The Story
Boaz praised Ruth for her love for him and for her godly lifestyle.

Her behavior and godly life had worked together to bring all this to pass for her.

The smile of the Savior is the great reward for those who pay the price to get themselves at His feet.

Regardless of the price, regardless of the effort, His smile, His blessings, and His closeness are worth it all!

Nothing gives the LORD God more pleasure than being able to take our lives, hold them out before the world and say, "This is what I can do with a life laid at My feet!"

Remember Ruth, she found her place at the feet of Boaz, and he rejoices over her.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The LORD God Reassures His People

Ruth 3:8-11

The Story
Boaz responded to Ruth's request by telling her that he will do everything to see that they are together.

She got there and got to his feet, and she was told to trust him; he would see to all the details.

So it is with Gods children. If we will get to His feet, the LORD God is willing to do everything to mend and perfect our relationship with Him.

What the Lord God wants is our love for Him, and He will take care of all the details of life (Matt. 6:25-33).

His name is still Jehovah-Jireh (Gen 22:14).

Remember Ruth, she found her place at the feet of Boaz, and he reassured her that he would do everything for her.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The LORD God Wouldn't Turns Us Away

Ruth 3:8-11

The Story
Imagine the fears that must have occupied Ruth's mind when she popped up with her request to Boaz. "What if he publicly humiliates me?" "What if he drivs me away and refuses to have anything further to do with me?"

She needed not worry, for when he spoke, he said "Do not fear" (3:11). Boaz wanted to be close to her.

So it is with Gods children, whether it be for salvation, or for a closer walk. We need not fear the LORD Jesus Christ turning us away. He loves us too much to do that (John 6:37).

When we come to Him humbly, honestly, openly and willingly, we will get what we come after.

We need not fear rejection, but we should be prepared for a big change of life!

Remember Ruth, she found her place at the feet of Boaz, and Boaz didn't reject her!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ask the LORD God For What You Need

Ruth 3:8-11

The Story
When Boaz awoke, Ruth popped the question!

Ruth's request to be taken under his wings was a request for marriage. This was a common practice in those days.

Ruth just came to Boaz, humbled herself to him and asked for what she needed and wanted!

So it is with Gods children, whether it be for salvation, or for a closer walk. We must get at the feet of the LORD Jesus Christ and ask.

The reason we do not have the things we want is often because we never take the time to ask for them (James 4:2).

Remember Ruth, she found her place at the feet of Boaz, and she asked for what she needed.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Determined To Find The LORD God

Ruth 3:1-11

The Story
Ruth was determined to follow the command to come to Boaz. This would require much courage and humility
  • to approach this wealthy and important man.
  • to go and find where he was lying down and
  • to lie down at his feet.
So it is with Gods children, whether it be for salvation, or for a closer walk. We must be determined to come to the LORD Jesus Christ. This would require much courage and humility
  • to move toward Him,
  • to humble ourselves at His feet and
  • to admit that we need Him in our lives.
Remember Ruth, she found her place at the feet of Boaz, with determination.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finding The LORD God

Ruth 3:1-11

The Story
Ruth was commanded to watch the place where Boaz laid himself down. Of all the men sleeping around the heap of grain, with their head near the grain and their feet away from the grain, Ruth was to isolate Boaz and see where he was resting. If she was going to get at his feet, she had to find him.

So it is with Gods children. If we will obtain the blessings found at His feet, we must first find those feet.
  • In the matter of salvation, God does all the finding of the lost sinner (John 6:44; Eph 2:1).
  • But there are times when we walk away from where we should be. We must make an effort to move back to where God is again, before He chastises us for our sins.
Remember Ruth, she found her place at the feet of Boaz, and not any others.
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